Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Mmmmm I love this. Look for the one outside the Green Room in Toronto. It's currently my phone background.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Lesson From A Walnut

Recently I have become aware of a flow in the universe. Strangely enough this acute awareness came about when I was eating a muffin in New York one morning. I'm pretty sure it was a cranberry, banana, walnut muffin which sounds kind of like a strange combination but it was quite delightful. Every bite had the perfect combination of each ingredients that showed up at the perfect time on your tongue, the taste, the texture, everything was perfect. Of course then my sister asked for a bite and took the walnut out, and I got very angry. But That's beside the point. I started to think about this perfect balance of ingredients and started to find it in other places, like music, art, all food and life in general. It's this complete organized chaos. I'm currently trying to follow this flow I'm excited to see where it leads me.

Friday, August 27, 2010


I am madly in love with music. Head over heals. Infatuated, maybe even lusting over music.

Please blast this song just for me.


Thursday, August 26, 2010

Ma Moma

This was one of my favourites, it's a picture of the last supper but the artist replaced the heads with women artists heads.

Moma was one of the things I was most excited for on the trip. We ended up having to go twice, the first time we went was free Fridays and it was way too crowded, we didn't even get in. We went the next day and I fell in love. We ended up only doing two floors because we were starving and tired. The great thing about it is the building itself is so beautiful, half the time I was admiring the architecture instead of the art. I've decided I am going to become super rich and live at the Moma. There was this temporary exhibit that was so odd. There were all these speakers each with different voices saying the days of the week. When you stood not in between the speakers it sounded like a bunch of jumble. But when you walked through the aisle between them you could hear them clearly it was really interesting. We tried filming the sensation, it's obviously better in person but it worked alright. Check it out.

A Family That Gets Pedicures Together Stays Together.

The titles says it all. And yes my brother and father participated as well.

No We're Not Twins

Every two seconds people asked Tessa and I if we were twins. Random people on the street, barbershop boys, ladies doing our nails, people when we were getting our luggage. Do we really look that much alike?

Brooklyn Bridge

Walking across beautiful Brooklyn bridge. Surprisingly very crowded, joyfully windy. Really woke up us sleepy heads.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Ehh Katz

Famous Katz's Deli where we went for lunch. They have walls and walls filled with pictures of famous people who have been there, my fave being Sarah Jessica Parker and her hubby Matthew Brodrick. The last two seconds of this film is for my cousin Kristin because she loves Joseph Gorden-Levitt oh so much. It was a decent deli, delicious pickles as always, great new york feel but WAY over priced. It was 16 bucks a sandwich where as Schwartz is like 6 bucks.

Not So New Home.

The home we moved to on Saturday is in Greenwich Village at Bleeker st. and Jones. This house is home to a family of 5; two adorable babies and a pup. They live my dream life. They have two adorable kids, a super cute apartment surrounded by beautiful bikes, cute cafes and breathtaking architecture. They don't have a television, they have a house up in the country (where they are currently). The man is a musician and owns two beautiful Gibson acoustics. The woman owns a little cafe called the Doma Cafe, a few blocks from the house which is filled with comic book art on the walls, jazz music occupying your ears, people reading, writing, drawing and sipping their coffee inside. I am officially in love with this part of New York and the lifestyle of this family. I would move here in a second if it weren't for the horrendous transit system and the small factor of the lack of money in my bank account and American visa in my wallet.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Museum of Natural History

I enjoyed this perspective.

I have a thing for giant squids, they are delightfully mysterious.

My sister hates me for this. But isn't it just darling.

This is the map of the world and where all the earthquakes have been, and are currently happening. It updates every 9 minutes.

Clearly have to have a picture with us and the elephants.

My fam jam takin' a dip in the Natural History sea.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Installation Three. Pop.

Bubbles in the park.
Pop. Central Park, New York City. 2010. Megan Giffen.

Lego my Ego

My siblings and I made ourselves. (Tessa, Me, Matt)

Today we went shopping for the first time. I only bought a ring because we went to all the really expensive stores on 5th street but we did check out the Lego store which was super cool. We were going to go to MOMA but to my dismay the line went all the way around the block because it's free from 4-8 on Fridays. But don't worry I made my Dad promise me we would actually go before we left. So instead we got bubble teas from our new favourite bubble tea places on Columbus and went to central park and tried our hands at the sail boats in the pond. It is alot harder than you think. The fact that there was little to no wind definately played a factor in it. We ended the day off with a late dinner at Pasha Turkish.And let me just tell you I would live in Turkey any day soloy because of their food.