Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Happily Forever After.

I have been meaning to write about this for a while. But I haven't really been in a writing mood recently until right now. So I shall write it now. I have come to notice that humans have this insane obsession with the notion of forever. Ever see or hear the following? I am going to make a slight change to the classic happily ever after to happily forever after, because we all know nothing bad happens after sleeping beauty is awakened by her prince, or after snow white rides away on her majestic white horse with her chiseled lover man. I'll love you forever, best friends forever, I wish this would never end, I don't want to get old (aka stay young forever), plus with this not so recent obsession with Vampires apparently live forever. To our knowledge no one knows what forever feels like, and I hope no one will find out. Forever my friend is a very fucking long time. Contrary to what I just said I will still wish for my forever happiness, maybe not forever, maybe just wish for a deserving amount. I will leave you, or start you off with (because I don't know how to put pictures after text) this picture of me staring at my pocket watch wondering when forever will end.

Friday, September 24, 2010

The Almost Forever Lost Film.

Today I was having a little trouble with my camera. I was in quite a frustrated mood and really wanted to get my pictures developed to cheer me up. Naturally my frustration backfired as motivation and turned into destruction. I some how exposed my entire roll of film twice in the brightly lite park. Lucky I rode on my little piece of hope to Shoppers drug mart. Just in case. And hallelujah, half of my film was destroyed but all my Baseball in Central Park pictures held in there. None of them are very good, at all. There is very little contrast. But it was my little miracle of the day, So I shall share it with you all.

Monday, September 20, 2010


At my house we often have old Sci-Fi movie nights. Tonight was one of those nights. All the movies have a classic scene that my family loves to imitate for days and days after. This week we watched the 1968 Planet of the Apes directed by Franklin J. Schaffner. If you are with my family in the next little while and hear this laugh this is why. Here is our classic scene of the night, hope you enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_KdQNXMU-A

Thursday, September 16, 2010


I just wrote the first line to a song and I really enjoy it. But I scared I'll ruin it with the rest of the song, so I can't seem to write anymore. Quite a kerfuffle.

Monday, September 13, 2010


Today, while killing time at Spadina and Queen I walked into an art store. While I was in there I came to a realization that I felt as though I should whisper if some were to talk to me. This in turn made me realize that to me this art store was like a little sanctuary, almost like a church or a library where you have to be quiet. It was filled with inspiration, knowledge and tools to help me. I felt so happy.


Melophobia: the Fear, or hatred, of music, symptoms include breathlessness; excessive sweating; nausea; dry mouth; heart palpitations; inability to think or speak clearly; fear of dying; becoming mad or losing control; a sensation of detachment from reality.

This my friends, is a real fear. Imagine how much life would suck.

Some Sentences I Enjoyed Today

"The best things in life aren't things." -From a magnet I've never noticed on my fridge

"The fact that TIFF 2010 has a weird abundance of trapped-hot-guy movies and yet nothing involving a battered old volleyball bears further analysis"- From Eye Weekly, so true

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Partially Wishing.

I partially really wish that there was a camera where you could take pictures from your perceptive. Not your physical perception but your mental and soul perception of things. How you really see people and situations. This would have to mean the viewer would some how have to understand this perceptive. I think it would be really eye opening and interesting to see how the pictures would change after you've gotten to know someone. But on the other hand, I feel like that's partially what art is. Showing your perception of an event or person or whatever your lil' (haha) heart desires. So the whole pictures of your perception may ruin the beauty and the mysterious side to art. Enn who knows?

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Artist of the Once and A While: Diane Arbus

Identical Twins, Roselle, NJ. 1967

Puerto Rian woman with a beauty mark, N.Y.C. 1965

Diane Arbus

So, I am going to try this new thing called Artist of the once and a while. I don't want to call it week or month because frankly I want to be able to do it whenever I want. And I do realize I could still call it artist of the week and not do that and probably no one would notice but I would know that I am lying to myself. This way I am being truthful.

My first artist of the Once and A While I discovered while I was exploring the Moma, her name is Diane Arbus (1923-1971). Her medium is photography, known for her portriats. She was known for taking photographs of "freaks." What I found most intriging about her and her work was that she tried to photograph the essences of the "freaks." She grew up in New York in a wealthy family during the depression and constantly felt asthough people just saw her as the rich girl, and no one saw her as who she really was. She tried to take pictures of people without there masks on. She would wait a while until people weren't paying attention, or when people were at their height up "freakness." Unfortunately she suffered from depression and took her own life.

There is a film based on her photography and her life called Fur: An Imaginary Portrait of Diane Arbus (2006) directed by Steven Shainburg. It is a completely made up story. I just finished watching it. I am not sure if I would recommend it, it's slightly disturbing, in an making you feel uncomfortable sort of way. Truthfully I don't think I completely understood it. I felt as though it was trying to be very deep but I couldn't figure it out. It mostly showed me she strangely attracted to "freaks" and how she doesn't feel asthough she fits in. Check it out if you're in the mood for a weird film.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Tapioca Frenzy

My Dad has this new obsession with bubble tea that started after our trip to New York. The other day he made us drive all around Toronto trying to find a bubble tea place that used real fruit. We found one in big Chinatown obviously. It was pretty good, not spectacular. But his obsession did not stop there. The next day my dad had made a little trip to the fabulous T&T and brought home some uncooked tapioca. I'm proud to say, we made the tapioca and our own homemade bubble teas! Man are they delicious. I almost died of laughter when I found out they only lasted 8-10 hours, we made a HUGE pot of them. If the next time you see me you don't recognize me, it's because I have turned into a tapioca ball.

Saturday, September 4, 2010


My not so twin sister is of for Western University today. She may never come back the same. This is our goodbye twin photo shoot. We will miss your annoying scream, your repeating of words, your never ending stress, your stealing of our clothes and the question what. Goodbye the sometimes sweet Snessas. We love you. (I took the liberty of writing part of this post from my families point of view.)

Friday, September 3, 2010

The Birthday Reminder

If you cant read the picture above it says;"Hey Matt, Happy Birthday Dude! Go look in your bed, you know, the place where you're not suppose to eat food. Love Dad."

Thought it was a hoot. You can always squeeze a little reminder in there.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

I Do Realize..

.. that this is probably the most retarded thing ever. But for some reason I found this guys hello hilarious. I got as far as the hello, laughed, and then opened the page again just to hear it again.

I am so sorry for this probably not very funny link, but I want to remember it.