Monday, November 1, 2010

Charming Concert.

Last week I headed over to the Opera House to watch my favourite brother and sister from Australia. I have loved their music for a bit now and this concert only made me fall more in love with them. They were truly charming, from the way they interacted on the stage to the stories they told to the broad array of instruments they each play. When they came out for there encore they tried an experiment where they wanted to turn off all the lights (which of course they weren't allowed to do because human beings are anal) but the reason being so people could just use their ears and not their eyes. Mm. Makes me smile. On another note, I have never been to a concert where half the audience talks their heads off. We got to the concert late, so were consequently standing at the back of the venue near the bar where you could hardly hear them playing because of all the chitter-chatter. I was about ready to kill five Australian boys who were clearly hammered and just went to the concert to hit on girls. During the encore they decided to stand behind me and scream. Oi vey. Other than that, it was a great experience.

Thank you Angus and Julia Stone.

Listen to this track from their first album written by Angus: (please notice the elephant at the beginning.. I'm in love.)

And this one from their second album which is has more Julia singing:

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