Sunday, March 27, 2011

Persisant Boredom at Riverdale Fitness.

Gotta love what a lost box of crayons, a uncleaned out backpack and 6 hours at work stirs up.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

"In every living soul, a spirit cries for expression—perhaps this plaintive, wailing song of Jazz is, after all the misunderstood utterance of a prayer.---------- The New York Ghetto- throbbing to that rhythm of music which is older than civilization."-The Jazz Singer (1927)

Owl Jolson.

You gotta love old time cartoons. I recently watched the first talky, The Jazz Singer (1927) directed by Alan Crosland. On the disk there was a short cartoon called "I Love To Singa." It's a spin off of Al Jolson in The Jazz Singer. But instead of a jewish family in Brooklyn its a family of owls, hense Owl Jolson. I can't stop watching it, I can't stop singing it, and I can't stop dancing the little owls jig. Why not join me?

Monday, February 14, 2011

Lately it's been weirding me out how people look like there families. These creations created by other creations. blah.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

She was the tiniest of all the mice, until she wasn't.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Me: "The only problem is prosciutto from the store basically tastes like dick."
Anthony: "That must be some mighty fine tasting dick then."

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Don't You Just Love Nice People.

Yesterday was very much not a splendid day. Other than this one little glimmer of light that shone through the rest. I was at work when a man came into to talk to my friend and co-worker Michelle. I was half paying attention to the conversation they were having until I heard him say he was obsessed with Woody Allen. This obviously made my head turn and I exclaimed in delight. Michelle then went off to do other things and we chatted about Woody Allen, New York, jazz music and eventually vinyls. He gave me a few blues and folk recommendations that I should look up. Then he went on his marry way or so I thought. About ten minutes later he came back with a bag. Let me stress that this is the first time I have ever talked, or seen this man in my life, he is also not a member at the gym. He, my good friends made my week. In his bag were 10 records for me to borrow. Amongst them was Velvet Underground (who is one of my favourite bands, which we did not talk about), Sarah Vaughn, Muddy Waters and last but certainly the gem of the pack was a Woody Allen stand up comedy routine. I'm not sure if I had ever smiled so brightly.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Installation Four. Ms Wallace. (Are You Blitzed?)

My long lost screen printing done at OCAD's open house. They are better quality in person, also if you make them larger you can see the texture.

Ms Wallace. (Are you Blitzed?) Roxanne's House. Toronto. 2009. Megan Giffen.

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Joie got my hand-me-down wife beater today. It's pretty caaaute if I do say so myself. In all honesty I wish it still fit me. I am surprisingly too big for it.

If Grandma Franco Can So Can You.

I randomly stumbled upon this video of Christmas at the Franco's house. I have talked to many people who said they couldn't watch 127 hours because they thought it would be too gross. Well watch this video and see what Grandma Franco thinks of you. Make sure you watch to the end its only a 1:20.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Just Noticed..

I just realized that on New Years Sarah and I screamed the Canadian National Anthem on a roof top at 12. I also just realized how that makes absolutely no sense. "Ready guys! 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1.... OH CANADA..." Yup.

Monday, January 3, 2011

The Lonesome Leaf of Lettuce.

Did you ever think a grocery store could be scary? Neither did I, until this weekend. I walked into a grocery store in Baltimore on Sunday expecting bountiful amounts of food. All I came across in the produce section were lonely lumps of lettuce leaves, no other vegetables, you could count the number of cartons of eggs on two hands. To be clear.. this was not a small grocery store, this was like a Sobeys or a Loblaws. The feeling of uneasyness is incapable to describe. I felt as though the world was coming to an end and so our food was limited because the farmers had all died. It is official that this summer I will try to grow some of my own produce, I probably won't go so far as to raise chickens.